Phew, it has been a while! I've been quite busy within the first few weeks of the New Year. I decided to be brave and take a 2-week mini-mester distance learning from Texas A&M! I know you're probably thinking I am just crazy, but I actually enjoyed it! The class was on "Teaching Exceptional, Diverse, and At Risk Students in the General Education Classroom". I just love all of my education classes here at A&M, all of the professors are just wonderful and have a lot of passion for the education system!
Spring semester started yesterday and it just feels like the break went by so fast! I'll be glad to finally get back into a routine and see what i've gotten myself into by taking 15 hours! Now, you are probably asking yourself "why are you taking so many hours and doing mini-mesters?", well i am desperately trying to get that "little ring of gold" on my finger called an Aggie Ring! I need 45 resident semester hours here at A&M in order to just order it! If I follow my plan that my advisor and I decided on I will be able to order it in December and get it in March or April of 2010! WHOOP!

Finally, I urge you all to pray hard for our country. I did watch the inauguration yesterday to witness history, but I noticed that our country is so so hungry for this thing called "hope". Hope can be found in God alone, we don't need someone who we don't even know if we can trust to give it to us. Alright, i'll get off my soap box now!
*Put all your trust in God and you will recieve the desires of your heart* :)
"Hope can be found in God alone"
Yes! i actually got that from Ben Stuart who speaks at Breakaway! He is awesome!